Radio gear


IC7300 HF/50MHz/70MHz transceiver

The radio that took the world by storm. Sitting at home unused, which is a shame. Comes with the SP38 external speaker and a nice metal carry case if you want it

Flex Radio 6500

Four radios in one, full SDR. Only selling because I now have a 6600

IC2100 2m FM Transceiver

This radio was part of GB7DXI 20-odd years ago. It's quite a potent piece of kit, providing up to 50W output.

AKD 4001 4m FM Transceiver

This radio was also part of GB7DXI. 12 channels and, I think, about 10W output.


Microwave Modules 2m Transverter

Old tech but it works!

Microwave Modules 4m Transverter

Old tech but it works!

Microwave Modules 70cm Transverter

I seem to recall that this broke and I never fixed it. Probably the 40673 front end. Spares?


HL50-B 80m - 6m 50W Linear amp

The perfect companion to the FT817 for SOTA activities. 3W input for 50W output with proper, switchable band filters this is generally considered to be an excellent little linear. They seem to go for about £250 on eBay.

Elecraft KPA500 linear amp

500W, 160m to 6m, full QSK, and so on

OZ8M 4m linear amp kit

A project that I never quite got to. All parts exactly as received from OZ8M. 30-ish watts out for 10mW input.

BNOS LPM70-10-100 4m 100W linear amp

Used for many years on VHF field day

RF Concepts RFC2-217 2m 170W linear amp 

I think it only needs about 3W in for full output

SWR meters

Daiwa CN-101L SWR meter 

150MHz, 15/150/1500W ranges, single meter

Nissei TX101-A SWR meter  

60MHz, 20/200/2000W ranges, single very large meter

Welz SP350 SWR meter

1.8-150 and 130-500MHz (two separate bridges) 5/20/200W ranges, dual smallish meters

WaveNode Inc. HF-1 RF Sensor

1.8-60MHz, 2000W SWR meter head unit for a DIY SWR meter. One of those 'WGV projects that never happened!

ATUs, couplers & filters

Vectronics 0-30MHz Low Pass Filter

4000 watts rating no less!

Z-11 ATU 

The perfect companion to the FT817 for SOTA activities. This well known and very popular little auto ATU will handle up to 60W (although probably best to do the tuning at lower power!). It seemed to match anything I ever chucked at it.

MFJ Versatuner Mk V ATU 

This is the MFJ 989C, rated at 3kW. It contains a huge roller-coaster and two large wide-spaced capacitors in a Pi configuration. There's also a 4:1 BALUN and a dummy load built in. A cross-needle SWR meter completes the package. The only problem I ever had with this ATU was that the roller-coaster needs to be cleaned occasionally. I only use resonant antennas these days, so it is surplus to requirements. The current version, MFJ 989D sells for £400!

AD-2 2m/70cm duplexer

Takes 2m and 70cm and duplexes them into a single output. Ideal for the colinears below

Daiwa 4-way antenna switch

Tiny cube switch with BNC sockets on the rear. Probably only good for 200W or so but small size means it should work well into UHF frequencies

CX-401N 4-way antenna switch

A much more substantial 4-way switch with lightning surge protection and N-type sockets. DC to 500MHz, 2500W rating


Comet GP-1 2m/70cm colinear

In good nick, I think it was only ever up for a few months

Comet GP-3 2m/70cm colinear

This one was up for quite a few years and is a bit bleached from the sun but otherwise fine


Bencher Iambic paddles

I have two. One is rather tatty because it was used by me for about 45 years! The other is more or less as new, having only ever been used on DXpeditions

Palm paddle and Code Cube

Sadly no longer made, the Palm paddle is ideal for SOTA activities as it is tiny and weighs more or less nothing