Sale information

I've got too much stuff! After 53 years of amateur radio as G3WGV, I've decided that I need to have a jolly good clear out of stuff that I no longer need. 

I've deliberately decided not to price items. Tell me what it's worth to you and, if we agree, then it's a deal! Any keen youngsters out there are welcome to contact me for special low price deals. No pictures - I assume that you know what it looks like or can Google it if you want it. 

If you decide you'd like to buy something or want some more information then please contact me directly at

Some of the stuff is small/light and can be posted economically at your cost. Other things certainly are not! You're welcome to collect from my QTH in Cumbria (just off the M6) or I am sometimes down in the Milton Keynes area and could arrange a handover there. We'll sort something out! 

I will update this site as sales are made and will add further items from time to time, so please check the site out occasionally.

I've split the items into different pages to make browsing easier. Happy hunting!

73, John

Update: 2020-09-29